Last Refuge Stock Film Library : AERIALS FILM SHOT LOG

Aerial film footage of TEPUIS, Venezuela, South America :
Sarisarinama Sink Hole

All forward facing aerial material obtained using our own designed
Camera Wing Mount System
from Cessna aircraft

Sample Clip 1 : Sarisarinama Sink Holes (length 25 seconds, file size 1.7 Mb)

right click link above to save the file in your computer or click image on right to open the movie in your browser

Sarisarinama sink hole, aerial  film clip

•Tepuis Main Index •Film Library Main Page
Tape Roll Time Code in Time Code out Shot Description
9 36 09:00:05:24 09:04:06:02 Forward facing aerial; air to air Cessna 206 over forest near Chimanta-tepui, shot following the plane from behind
51 51 04:00:07:11 04:01:32:01 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama
51 51 04:01:32:03 04:02:28:25 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama, tilts down 90 degree onto the big hole
51 51 04:02:28:27 04:04:16:19 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama, tilts down a little onto the big hole, passing the small one and tilts up at end of shot
51 51 04:04:16:21 04:06:05:05 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama, tilts down onto the big hole and carries on passing the second smaller one
51 51 04:06:05:05 04:06:31:02 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama, high past
51 51 04:06:31:04 04:08:33:21 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama high past, tilts down onto the big hole, passing the small one and tilts up at end of shot
51 51 04:08:33:23 04:10:40:19 Forward facing aerial: Sink Holes of Sarisarinama, , low pasttilts down onto the big hole and carries on to the second one
•Tepuis Main Index •Film Library Main Page

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